Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

tugas b.ingris

Nama      : Agung kurniawan rangkuti
NPM       :10214472
Kelas      :1EA16

10 important thing in my life :
1. Love
2. health
3. peace
4. success
5. behavior time
6. good
7. honesty
8. parents
9. happiness
10. purpose of life



               According thamrin nasution, parents are each responsible person in a family or household tasks in everyday life called the father and mother. If according to Hurlock, parents are the adults who bring a child into adulthood, especially in their infancy. The duty of parents equip and prepare the child toward adulthood by providing guidance and direction that can help children live a life. In providing guidance and direction in children will be different in each parent because every family has certain conditions of different style and character between families with each other family. The old man is a figure that has meaning for their children. Not all children have the same childhood. Some feel pampered, or even no time with them.

Life takes us on a lot of lessons and changes. As we age, we are getting stronger and our parents probably getting weaker. However, never keep them away from our lives. Maybe this time we did not stay home, but always pay attention to and show our affection. We are growing up today thanks to their hands and their existence. Morning, noon, night parents have given body and soul to her child only. Should seagai children lest we hurt him, let alone to make it drop a tear. Parental affection can not be paid with anything, even if it is expensive diamonds still can not.

Among us, probably many are impatient when faced with parents who are advanced and frail with age. Though their sacrifices to nurture and take care of us from infancy to adulthood, can be successful even gone immeasurably. Can not be assessed with any nevertheless. Their patience in the face of the child's behavior is sometimes naughty and bengal was no doubt.

               Sincere love of parents for their children. Whatever they are doing for the good of us in the future. Especially the mother, she was willing to carry a heavy load on his stomach while still containing then risked their lives during childbirth. He was willing to wake lelapnya just as changing a diaper is wet because we bedwetting. He also would not sleep because we were hungry cries and then give her breast milk. And when we are sick, mothers also stay up all night because they have to care for their children regardless of the tired and weary.

Then, when the mother is in old age with a body worn out and weak, why we become impatient serve him as they had done before us? Sometimes even bad words and screaming arose from our mouths because of fussiness parents.

               Do not forget the role of mother to us. Because maternal love and love us away from any strings attached likewise. Even though already elderly and senile, not appropriate that we separate him from the side of our lives. Moreover, simply deposited in nursing homes because we do not want to be bothered and just to avoid kerewelannya.

Mother's love infinitely sincere hope that no reply from her children. Then the mother to care for your parents in particular and in general.

               While they still exist, filial opportunity and repay the parents are still very open. We will feel regret and certainly very lost when they're gone forever and no longer be in the middle of our lives.

               As a good son , of course, we want our parents happy . Indeed it should , as children , we try to make them happy .

               in my opinion be a filial child is easy, can be done in simple ways . Opinions such as Respect Parents , Everyone will have an opinion and principles in life is . -pendapat Any opinion as it relates to others, religion until business. Of course , our parents feel that their opinions are right and they also want their children to follow in the footsteps of his parents . With respect the opinion of our parents , even following a second opinion our parents , this is a good thing . However, disputes sometimes we can not avoid , sometimes there is opinion that is not in line with us , do not let this disagreement led to disputes . Respect the opinion of our parents , whatever it is. Such as we are not pleased with that opinion , we do not need to invite our parents pounding , quite quiet and try not to bring up this disagreement again.

               Requested Without doing something, when we were little masihkan we remember when papa and mama we ask you please to us to do something? Start of asking us to learn, to ask for help us and other things. Inevitably, when it was still there feeling lazy and annoyed when we do order from them. However, when we are adults, we realized and grateful for all their orders when we were little.

               When we do something without being asked, without orders, that's where our parents were relieved and happy. Parents in fact, sometimes felt sad when he ordered her to do something that is not liked by his son. But, for the good of the child, the parents are willing to withstand the pain of it.

               Obedient, obedient attitude to both parents seem easy, but in fact, it is very difficult than we think. No need big things to make our parents happy. Quite obedient to their orders, and obey their rules on their advice. Sometimes without us knowing it, we are often denied command of both parents. Well, when this happens, we try to think first before we argue their orders, because of what they recommend to their children is certainly good things for us.

Being obedient to parents will also make ourselves safe. Although sometimes not happy in living. Obedient to our parents will make them happy, quiet and far from feeling worried.


               Saying Thank You, other small thing we can do, but we often forget is to thank. However, often, it is forgotten. No matter how much we are grateful to our parents, will not be able to repay you for the love that they have given us. Therefore, say thank you is one of the important things in express our affection.

we can show gratitude to our parents, for example by giving the birthday greetings. Then help them and be simpler just say the words 'thank you' when we are reminded of the services of our parents.